Wendy Bird

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Death and Taxes

"The only thing in life you can count on are death and taxes." BOO-hiss.

I have NOT sent in my taxes. Usually I am quick to get them figured and sent it, and then I patiently (ok sometimes not) wait for my return. Not this year. One would think after getting married and combining two households we'd be expecting a good return. But no. We make too much money.

I know what you are thinking...how could you make too much money? On a monthly basis money is ok. On a tax return it is icky. The deductions I was accustom to getting (like the $1000 child tax credit) no longer apply cuz we make too much money. So fewer deductions...more taxable income. SO we owe money. Not just a smidge but a good chunk.

So the next thought is...we could work more to pay the tax bill. Overtime at work is an option for sweet hubby. But guess what? The more money we make...the more money we owe. So being dramatic, I thought about quitting my job. That would lower our taxes right?


Blogger Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

Sounds plausible to me!

4:20 PM  

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