Wendy Bird

Monday, August 28, 2006

Women and Technology

Have you ever been driving down the road and glance at the car next to you, only to see them screaming into their cell phone or earpiece? I always think...what in the world could have them so upset? And then I am so thankful not to be the person on the other line.

Today I was that person.

I took my computer to CompUSA for repair. They called a day or so later and said they had ordered a part and said it should be ready in a few days. In a few days they called and said that there were 2 other parts needed. Finally, I get my machine back. I set it up on my newly dusted desk...and turn it on. Only to find the memory I purchased (a $90 upgrade) was MISSING!

So this morning, in the rain, I drive back over there. I explain my sad story (in my nice inside voice) and the two guys behind the counter look at each other, look at me, go to the back room, and come back and say they don't know what has happened to my memory...but I could buy more. In my nicest voice I say...I need to see the manager.

I just don't understand why you can't just be nice. Why you can't just ask for something to be done...and it is. Why you have to be ugly before someone will do the right thing.

All I can say is...poor people at CompUSA, the wrath of the WendyBird was unleased upon them. I hope they recover.


Blogger Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

Sound like THEY needed a memory upgrade if they can't remember what they did with YOUR memory! Glad you let 'em have it. You go, Girl!

12:23 PM  
Blogger Bubba's Mom said...

Woman, feel your power!! It can be awesome. I too wonder whatever happened to "customer service" or - the even more antiquated "the customer is always right". Those ideas seem to be missing from the mindset of business people today. I guess we in the south notice it more because in the past we've always prided outselves on our graciousness, hospitality, etc. and thought rude people only lived someplace else. Now, we sweet little Southern girls have to show them our grit. Stay spunky, Miss Chickaboom!

1:04 PM  
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1:05 PM  

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